Growing a Multiple 7 Figure Business and Finding Joy In Your Life with Kim Walsh-Phillips, Powerful Professionals

Kim Walsh-Phillips is the founder of Powerful Professionals, a business coaching and education company that empowers entrepreneurs to utilize technology to scale online for their business. She is the best-selling author of two books that have helped paved her way in the business world. 

Kim was named number 475 in the INC 5000 as a multi-seven figure business entrepreneur without a business degree. She is also a public speaker who has graced the stage with the likes of Tony Robbins, Kevin O'Leary, and Gary Vaynerchuk.


Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • Kim talks about selling her marketing agency in 2017 and starting her coaching and education business
  • How Kim overcame her fear and guilt as she moved forward in her business
  • The value of learning to say "no" 
  • Kim shares the best advice she received from Dan Kennedy
  • Kim recaps the hardest lessons she has learned from her new agency
  • Why you need to...
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