Healing the body with Peptides and Nutrition with AJ Piovesan, Clinical Director of Regenerative Medicine at Seminole Integrative Medicine

AJ Piovesan is the Clinical Director of Regenerative Medicine at Seminole Integrative Medicine and he is the principal owner of Functional Health Solutions, LLC. He is also currently with Live Well Medical Center. AJ has 38 years of education and training in health and fitness, and has been working in the medical field for the last 17 years with experience in both surgical and clinical in general bariatric, orthopedic, spine, gynecology, urology, EMT, and plastic surgery. 

AJ graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Sciences from the University of Washington and received his certification as a licensed physician’s assistant in 2002. He’s a member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, International Peptide Society, and Clinical Peptide Society.


Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • AJ Piovesan shares how he got started in the world of nutrition, supplementation, and peptides.
  • ...
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